course blog

Annotated Bib 4

Hsu, Hui-Yin, and Shiangkwei Wang. “The Impact Of Using Blogs On College Students’ Reading Comprehension And Learning Motivation.” Literacy Research And Instruction 50.1 (2011): 68-88. ERIC. Web. 21 Mar. 2014.

This article tries to see if digital learning with the help of a blogging tool helps increase college level reading and retention of information.  Therefore, college level developmental reading courses used blogging in its curriculum. According to the results of the study, it was found that blogging with these courses correlated to higher retention of information in the class.

Annotated Bib 3

Ellison, Nicole B., and Yuehua Wu. “Blogging In The Classroom: A Preliminary Exploration Of Student Attitudes And Impact On Comprehension.” Journal Of Educational Multimedia & Hypermedia 17.1 (2008): 99-122. Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 21 Mar. 2014.

This article is about the different types of technology being used for educational purposes. It gives an overview about all of them, including blogging. It states how many people have blogs and how many people use them. It makes sure to talk about how the effects of blogging in the classroom setting is for the most part anecdotal, meaning that it varies depending on each situation. That is because that it is a relatively new teaching tool. The study wanted to answer these two questions:

RQ1: What are differences among students’ perceptions regarding the educational benefits of writing a blog entry vs. reading other students’ blogs vs. reading other students’ comments?

RQ2: What are student perceptions of the experience of blogging as an educational activity?

Annotated bib 2

Maitzen, Rohan. “Scholarship 2.0: Blogging And/As Academic Practice.” Journal Of Victorian Culture (Routledge) 17.3 (2012): 348-354. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 Mar. 2014.

This article talks about how blogging should have a place in the world of scholarship. That while other forms of publication is “glacier” slow, blogging gets immediate feedback. The author of the article does admit that blogging should not replace all forms of scholarship and that blogging shouldn’t be used in every form of scholarship, but it is a good tool to have.

Annotated Bib 1

Zawilinski, Lisa. “HOT Blogging: A Framework For Blogging To Promote Higher Order Thinking.” Reading Teacher 62.8 (2009): 650-661. Literary Reference Center. Web. 2 Mar. 2014.

The article is about how an elementary school teacher uses blogs as a supplement to reading material in class. She uses them to promote higher order thinking. It helps the students also learn how to be internet literate.

All About Me :]

My name is Ekta Katariwala. I am twenty-two years old. I am first-generation American, as my parents were both born in India. I have a brother who is two years older than me. I am a double major in English and Sociology, and I hope to work for a publishing company or do PR somewhere.
stack_of_booksReading is my passion. I would read any book given to me regardless of whether or not I like it. Once I start a book, I need to finish it. I am also the type of person who loves to reread good books over and over again and not find it boring.

“If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.”- Oscar Wilde

I don’t have a specific genre of books that I like reading, I would pick up any one that looks good. I mostly read fiction novels, but I have been reading some non-fiction books lately and have come to really like them. My favorite book of all time would have to be “Holes” by Louis Sachar.
However, my love of reading was initially sparked by the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. I have read and reread those books more times than I can count. I’ve also seen all the movies more than once. Over the summer, I even visited the Harry Potter set tour in London. It was pretty amazing, and was one of my favorite memories from my recent trip to England.

Speaking of England, I don’t think there is a place that I love more. I had visited England five times before, seeing as my mother grew up there and most of her family still lives there. However, this sixth time visiting really changed my view of the country as a whole. I really fell in love with all of London. Everyday for the two months that I was there, my mother and I would leave around eleven in the morning and come back home to my grandmother’s at four in the afternoon. In that time, we would have walked throughout the different places in the city and still have more to go to the next day.

Unsurprisingly, one of the many places we went to was King’s Cross, where I was able to take a picture along the wall of Platform 9 and 3/4. My favorite place that I went to was Trafalgar Square near the lion statues. The lion statues are up on a platform that is difficult to climb up on. However, with some extra help from my dad, I was able to take a photo on it. The last time I was able to do that was the first time I ever went to England, which was when I was three years old. So after nine years, I got a new photo with the lion. It was pretty cool.

My hope for taking this class is to figure out how blogs work. Blogging has become such an integral part of our daily lives, more so than newspapers and myagazines. I wouldn’t be surprised if printed magazines become obsolete in the near future. At the present time, there are many blogs that supplement different magazine publications. Who’s to say they won’t overtake them in the future? Therefore, I really want to learn how to effectively use blogs and other multimedia.