Atlantic City

Hyperlocal Blog for Longport, NJ


Longport, New Jersey is a beach town located on the same peninsula just south of Atlantic City. The town is only about 35 blocks wide and only has a few shops. There aren’t any hotels or rental properties in the town, and only a few residents live there year-round.

Who lives there? The town is primarily populated by people for whom this is their second home, or vacation home. Throughout the year only a few people stay there. The town is populated mostly by people who come from the Philadelphia, PA area. A few people are grandparents hailing from Florida, whose children and grandchildren visit them throughout the summer. There are a lot of families, with kids of all ages.

How many people live there? Less than 900 people live in Longport, and that’s in the summer.

What is the community like? The community is very family oriented, and friendly. It’s a town where everyone knows everyone.

What would the blog look like? The blog would act as a source of information throughout the year. At the moment, there is no official way to find out what is going on throughout the town when it is not summer. During Hurricane Sandy we relied on our neighbors to send us pictures of our house and the streets, as new sources didn’t cover our tiny town. We didn’t get any information until after the fact. The blog would primarily focus on things to do throughout the summer, and would feature restaurants and businesses in the surrounding towns of Atlantic City, Margate and Ventnor. It would act as a resource for things like trash collection, babysitters, taxis and reviews and helpful tips. There would also be a classifieds section for things like yard sales, help wanted and anything else.